Craig always dreamed of becoming a soldier, but when he faces terrorism on his first deployment, he must decide if he is ready to fulfill his dream.

Order your copy of the first book from Amazon by clicking the book below!

…“That area hasn’t been cleared.  Get out of there!” The airman’s voice
rose above the noise.
“Did he say mines?” Another asked confused by the idea.
Craig froze in stunned silence. Adrenaline rushed through his veins.
He struggled for a moment to catch his breath. His senses absorbed the
scene. The grass waved back and forth in the breeze. Helicopter blades
thumped slowly in the distance.
Panicked looks began to spread across the group. Heads turned and
looked at the ground to check if they could see something, anything that
didn’t look right. One soldier made eye contact with Craig then took off
in a sprint for the pavement, leaving his gear behind.
“Everyone stop!” An NCO yelled above the noise.
Fear rippled through the grass and the soldiers fought their instincts to
run from the danger…

BK’s book, Craig Steele The Dream, is the first in the Craig Steele series.  The first installment introduces Craig Steele who follows his dream to be a soldier but awakes to the reality of war on his first deployment.  The ensuing tale is the journey of self-discovery he embarks on as he must decide if he is ready to fulfill his dream.

Listen to chapter one online now!

The latest installment,

Craig had seen combat in the military, but when he dates a Muslim woman and her family objects, it’s the most dangerous battle he’s seen!

 Contact BK for interviews or speaking engagements here.